Cheska has been adopted!
We are delighted to report that Cheska has been adopted. The frightened little puppy rescued from the Taal volcano disaster has found her forever home. When we found Cheska, she was so underweight having been left without food. Even so, we thought she was a small breed.

You may have seen from updates over the last year that since her rescue, Cheska quickly grew in confidence and size to a much bigger dog than we anticipated. The flip side to this was that she was a little too confident and boisterous, which potential owners and some other dogs might have found off putting.
Kennel mate Mark spent a lot of time with Cheska, helping her control her excitement and socialise sensibly with the other dogs.
Rehabilitation is such an important part of the rescue dogs’ lives. Many of our rescues have never had a proper home or family. They may have always roamed and not lived with children or other dogs. We take time treating each dog as an individual before deciding when they are ready to be adopted.
Cheska’s hard work has paid off and now she has the forever family she deserves. She will join a teacher and her other dog. Both had already visited the Treatment Centre, as they attended a recent clinic we held. It was here where cheeky Cheska caught her eye.

Increasing Adoptions
Cheska needed that extra time with us – but it has been a little over 2 years since her rescue. Unfortunately the pandemic prevented a lot of potential adoptions, as people weren’t able to come to our Treatment Centre. Not only are we hoping that this is now behind us, as clinics are back in full swing, we also hope that the opening of the new Treatment Centre later on in the year will facilitate more adoptions. Whilst we love all our rescue dogs and have been known to adopt a few ourselves, our aim is to re-home them within the Philippines as soon as they are ready.
Rising Rescue Costs
It costs IWCT £250 to rescue a dog, give it any medical care, spay, neuter or vaccinations it needs and start the rehabilitation process. It doesn’t cover any ongoing costs such as feeding or worming if the dog remains with us for a prolonged period of time. That’s why we are so grateful for the generous donations from our followers. You can help our rescue dogs during their time with us by making a donation or sponsoring a particular dog. Thank you.