Treatment Centre Visit 2024

By Kaytie Grant

Next week, our CEO Kaytie is returning to the Treatment Centre in the Philippines to visit for the first time in nearly two years.

A lot has happened since her last visit to the Treatment Centre in February 2023, when we had only just moved to the new premises. It will be amazing to see how well the rescue dogs are doing, particularly those who had not long been with us, such as Dixie and Bantay, pictured below:

dixie and bantay at the treatment centre

It will also be lovely to meet the new rescues whose progress we have only seen through photos and video, such as Ellie, who hopefully Kaytie will meet before he goes to his adopter.

However, it won’t all be fun in the Enrichment Park during the trip.

The future of clinics beyond 2024

One thing to be addressed is that going forward, we need to reduce the number of clinics we offer. Sadly, we simply don’t have the funds to continue at the rate we do.

Currently we hold our twice weekly in house clinics, a monthly clinic in Tarlac City, as well as mobile clinics to reach those in need from more remote areas.    

We previously stated that we don’t have the funds to extend our current service. As it stands we don’t have the funds to maintain it either. This is a plea for your support to help us keep the Treatment Centre running. 

Treatment Centre Visit Purpose

Whilst we communicate with the team in the Philippines almost daily through emails and apps like Messenger and Telegram and on Zoom a couple times a month, in person meetings are also very important. That being said, we don’t want to use vital funds on flights, hence the UK team only visit every couple of years. However, both teams value the in person interaction. Plus, a lot gets covered during the visit, the time is certainly spent wisely! It gives Kaytie an opportunity to network with vets and mayors from local barangays, as well as spend quality time with the staff at the Treatment Centre. She also gets the opportunity to experience the activities, such as stray feeding, first hand. 

We will be sure to report back once the Treatment Centre visit is complete. Be sure to follow us on Facebook or Instagram for “in the moment” updates. 

the team at the treatment centre

What your donation means for the Treatment Centre

Your donations will help us continue our clinics and hopefully look to extend our reach to reduce the wait lists of responsible pet owners desperate to do the right thing and spay and neuter their beloved pet. 

We currently have a wait list of approx 6 months. These are pet owners awaiting their turn to have IWCT spay their pet for free at our Treatment Centre. Without your help, the wait time will get longer. Our impact on controlling the dog population will be less. We need to maintain our clinics, they are a pivotal part of our work in the Philippines.

£25 will fund an IWCT volunteer vet to spay or neuter an animal. Please consider making a donation so we can maintain our spay and neuter programme to meet the demand. 

In addition to our spay and neuter clinics we also continue rabies vaccinations, education programme and much more. One thing we pride ourselves on is that we are are very transparent in where the funds raised goes in the Philippines, which we hope helps with your inclination to give.  

Thank you for your support.


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