This is Sunshine, this poor dog was found just two months ago living on the streets in horrifying conditions.
Sunshine’s plight was brought to our attention by a street stallholder, who had noticed Sunshine within a group of strays, who passed by her stall every day. She’d seen that Sunshine was almost bald and very thin, the runt of the pack, who, as a result, had begun to be taunted by children, who threw stones at her whilst one even kicked her. After her ordeal, Sunshine wasn’t strong enough to defend herself and so we were contacted us.
Two of our team, Suzanne and Lynson, went straight to this site where Sunshine had been and amazingly despite the neglect she has suffered, she responded to the stallholder’s call, a testament to Sunshine’s friendly and loving nature. She was taken back to our new Treatment Centre, where the vet confirmed she was suffering from severe Mange and malnutrition. The vet also believed that Sunshine’s limp and fresh wounds were due to being hit by a vehicle.

It is thought that Sunshine is only around four years old and yet she has already been through so much suffering. With your help, Sunshine has now started treatment for Mange and our vet is gradually getting food and nutrients into her, but she was very weak when we found her so the course to recovery may be long.

Rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing an animal like Sunshine takes resources that are reliant on donations from kind-hearted supporters like you. Please help Sunshine and all the others that are suffering alone. Your donations are life-saving.