Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

By Kaytie Grant

How to keep your dog cool this summer…

With temperatures rising in the UK this week and it being hot in the Philippines where our Treatment Centre is located, it seemed fitting to share some tips to keep your dog cool in the warmer weather. 

Hot and furry

Dogs aren’t able to sweat like humans can, which means they aren’t as good at regulating their body temperature. They have to rely on panting and losing heat through their paw pads and nose. Whilst their furry coat acts as an insulator over the winter, it doesn’t do them any favours in summer. This means they can contract heat stroke quickly.

Signs your dog has got too hot

  • Frantic panting
  • Extreme salivation
  • Bright red membranes (eyes, gums)
  • Laboured breathing

If your dog is showing any of these signs, it’s time to cool it down.

Simple methods to avoid over heating:

You can buy cooling mats which can provide a cool surface for your dog to lie on for several hours at a time. These are great for the hottest parts of the day. Alternatively, you can use a cold towel to mop your dog or allow them to lie on. Just remember the heat will transfer from your dog to the towel, so the cold water will need replacing quite quickly. 

Providing dogs with shade under which to rest is good but better still leave them indoors in a cool, well ventilated or air conditioned room. Ensure they always have access to plenty of cool water. You could also chill their toys in the fridge for some extra relief. 

Water play with a paddling pool, garden hose or sprinklers provide a good enrichment activity on a hot day. 

Avoid walking your dog in the middle of the day when the temperature is at its highest as this can lead to them overheating. Furthermore, pavements and tarmac are hottest from the sun in the middle of the day. This can burn a dog’s paw pads which will cause a lot of discomfort. Instead, move walkies time to either first thing in the morning or later in the evening when it is cooler. 

Lastly, never leave your dog in a hot car. Cars heat up like green houses and get much hotter inside than the temperature outside. Dogs die in hot cars in a matter of minutes as a result of heatstroke. When it’s really hot, leave them at home unless it’s absolutely necessary.


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