A Centre For The Community

By Kaytie Grant

A Centre For The Community

We are very excited to report that the new Treatment Centre build is coming along well. You can see from the  video that it is really taking shape. 

We have discussed the centre as a whole and focused on the kennels and bio security measures. Today we’d like to share how much more than a Treatment Centre for animals this is to be.

Community Support

Whilst treating, rescuing and rehabilitating dogs and helping other animals is our primary aim, we are also striving to support the local community. 

One of the ways you may be familiar with, is our Education Programme, where we promote responsible pet ownership. With this we go to local barangays or schools, as well as our mobile clinics, conducting seminars and teaching children and adults how best to care for their animals. 

Through the new Treatment Centre, not only will this continue, it will also expand through print and digital material, available at clinics and on our website. 

To help deliver this message, when we are in the new centre, we will be introducing volunteers to the Trust. Volunteers will help spread the message about our campaigns. They may also be able to help at clinics, advising owners about aftercare following a spay or neuter operation. Furthermore, as part of a rescue dog’s rehabilitation, volunteers could help the kennelmates with their socialising and training. 

Employment Opportunities

On the subject of kennelmates, we will also be recruiting a second kennelmate and maintenance person. Our wonderful Mark is to focus on the dog training and rehab, so a second mate will help more with the general kennel maintenance and animal husbandry. 

We will also be looking to employ a Practice Assistant, who will support Suzanne, our busy Executive Director. 

The build process itself has created a lot of employment. Our project manager actually took on twice as many labourers to keep to the build schedule. These roles have and will continue to help the local economy in the Concepcion area.

community builders

As well as economic opportunities, we will also be facilitating wellbeing opportunities for the community. There is to be a large allotment where people can grow fruit and vegetables on one side of the site. On the other side trees are to be grown which will encourage wildlife and provide somewhere quiet for people to sit in or walk around. 

Our head vet Roland, anticipates the increased space and facilities of the new Centre will allow us to train more veterinary students. This is really important for us as it secures our legacy in the Philippines, ensuring our mission to prevent animal suffering continues for generations. 

We hope the build will be nearing completion at the end of September. We can’t wait to unveil it once it is complete. This project would not have been possible if it weren’t for several generous legacies left by long term supporters. You can find out more about legacies here. If you’d like to make a donation towards the new Treatment Centre, you can do so via the donation page

Thank you for following us on this exciting journey. 


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