Emergency Treatment

By Kaytie Grant

We recently needed to give emergency treatment to a dog at our centre.

The dog had been hit by a car and suffered a fractured leg and a damaged tail. Despite the owners doing the right thing by taking the dog to a local vet, the treatment given was not correct. 

dog requiring emergency treatment

IWCT Treatment Centre 

When it became apparent to the owners that the wound around the dog’s tail was getting worse, they brought the dog to the IWCT Treatment Centre. Here Roland examined the dog and realised the extent of it’s injuries. 

The fractured tail had not been diagnosed and had begun to swell. However, the biggest injury was the wounds either side of the base of the tail. They had become infected and the tail itself had become to necrose. 

Our head vet Dr Roland quickly prepared for emergency treatment at our Centre. We are fortunate to have such great facilities to enable us to do this. Who knows how much longer this poor dog would have suffered if we had to turn him away?

Ongoing Care

We are delighted to say that thanks to Roland’s expertise and the extended IWCT support team, the emergency treatment was a success. The wounds have been cleaned and stitched up, as has the base of where the tail was. It looks quite ghastly, but the wounds are already starting to heal. 

We have a weekly consultation clinic at the Treatment Centre, which has enabled the owners to regularly bring the dog back for check ups. Here we can check the stitches, any swelling, any sign of infection and more. 

after emergency treatment

Support Our Centre

Thanks to the amazing facilities of our Centre, the outlook for this dog looks a lot more promising than it did a few weeks ago. The Treatment Centre is only made possible because of the generous donations from our loyal supporters. Without regular donors, we can’t stock the Centre with the medical equipment required to accommodate cases like this. Sadly, injuries of dogs, whether that be through accident or cruelty is seen all too commonly. We would hate to not be able to give a dog the emergency treatment it needs to save it’s life. 

Please give what you can to support the work we do at our Treatment Centre. You can donate in dollars, pounds or peso via our donation page

Thank you. 


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