The “5 in 1” and other Vaccines you should give your dog and why.

By Kaytie Grant

The “5 in 1” and other Vaccines you should give your dog and why.

At IWCT, we hold a weekly consultation clinic where we commonly vaccinate dogs and puppies against the most common diseases and viruses. Whilst this is not a service we offer for free, it is still a low cost service compared to private veterinary clinics.

Routinely used is DA2PP or the “5 in 1” vaccine, named as it covers the following 5 illnesses:

Adenovirus 1
Adenovirus 2

Vaccines introduce synthetic antigens of a virus to your dog allowing them to produce antibodies to fight the virus should they come into contact with it. Ultimately, they are a simple and effective way of protecting your dog from life threatening illness.


Distemper virus is very contagious and often fatal if contracted. It is an airborne virus but can also be contracted through physical contact from both an infected dog and areas where the dog has been. Symptoms include cough, runny nose, diarrhoea, high temperature and seizures. There is no treatment for distemper as it is viral, not bacterial, thus antibiotics won’t work. The best way to help your dog is to vaccinate against the virus.


Like distemper, this virus is untreatable and causes vomiting, diarrhoea and a reduced appetite, leaving your dog with very little energy. It is most commonly seen in younger dogs, who present with more severe symptoms. So if you are thinking about getting a puppy, you should definitely vaccinate it.


This is a highly contagious virus which affects a dog’s respiratory system. It is one of the most common causes of Kennel Cough. Symptoms include cough, sneezing, nasal discharge, swollen eyes, high temperature and lack of energy. It is very contagious and a previously infected dog can still pass on the virus up to 2 weeks after recovery.

Adenovirus 1

Type 1 Adenovirus causes infectious hepatitis and affects a dog’s liver. It is contracted through dog excrement and bodily fluids. It can be transmitted for up to 6 months from a previously infected dog. Symptoms include lack of appetite but increased thirst, congestion, vomiting, diarrhoea and a milky appearance to the eyes.

Adenovirus 2

Type 2 Adenovirus affects the respiratory system. It is one of the most infectious contributors to Kennel Cough. It is more common in dogs who share facilities such as kennels, grooming salons or dog parks. Whilst some dogs don’t require treatment, others need antibiotics to prevent further infection and it can lead to pneumonia.

Puppies waiting for their vaccine

In addition to the 5 in 1 vaccine, it is also extremely important to vaccinate your dog against Rabies:

Rabies carries a death rate of nearly 100% in unvaccinated dogs. However, the vaccine is very effective, so if your dog has been vaccinated and is bitten by a dog with rabies, he or she carries a much higher survival rate. Vaccinating your dog for rabies also protects you and your family, as the virus can be passed from dogs to humans. The Rabies vaccine should be given as well as the 5 in 1.
Rabies affects the central nervous system, spreading to the brain and causes headaches, excessive drooling, anxiety and death. Due to the high number of unvaccinated and stray dogs in the Philippines, it is recommended dogs receive a vaccination every 3 years to offer maximum protection. IWCT offer the Rabies vaccine for free at all our clinics.

Why Vaccinate?

Vaccinating your dog buys you reassurance that he or she is less likely to get very sick from these viruses. Whilst a vaccination programme might seem expensive, it is a lot cheaper than veterinary intervention if your dog becomes ill. It also means your dog is safer when mixing with other dogs or in new areas. A fully up to date vaccination programme also allows your dog to travel abroad with you.

As the rescued dogs at IWCT share the facilities at the treatment centre, we test them for these viruses and put them on a vaccination programme. Our new treatment centre also has quarantine kennels where new additions can be separated until it is clear they are free from any virus, so as not to put other dogs at risk.

What we do:

IWCT offers free Rabies and low cost 5 in 1 vaccinations to pet owners who cannot afford them from both our main treatment centre in Tarlac and our mobile clinics. This is only made possible through the generous donations of our loyal supporters.

It costs under £18 to provide a dog in the Philippines with a dose of the 5 in 1 vaccine. The cost of a Rabies vaccination is less than £1.

Please donate what you can to help reduce the unnecessary suffering of dogs and cats in The Philippines. Thank you.


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