IWCT have an extensive list of campaigns running in the Philippines. Below you will find more information about some of the campaigns we are running to promote responsible pet ownership and reduce unnecessary suffering to dogs. If you would like to support a campaign, you can make a general donation or choose a specific campaign. You can also raise funds yourself for any of our campaigns using a platform such as Just Giving. 

Spay Josie’s Dogs

Homeless Josie needs her street dogs spayed

Spay The Strays

We now want to expand on our stray feeding programme and spay the stray dogs to further help control the dog population in the Philippines.
education team

Education Programme In Schools

IWCT regularly attend Elementary Schools to teach children about the importance of rabies awareness and other educational topics about dogs.
feed the strays

Feed The Strays

Help Feed The Strays Through Our Stray Feeding Programme

Eradicating Rabies

Rabies is still a killer in the Philippines and half the human deaths are in children.
spay recovery

Pay For A Spay

It costs £25 for an IWCT vet to spay or neuter one dog. At a single clinic we can operate on up to 40 dogs.

Give A Dog A Collar

This campaign was set up in honour of Barker (pictured). Click below to find out more about Barker’s terrible story and why we give free collars to every dog we see who has a poorly fitting, or makeshift collar or no collar at all.