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Barker was found on the streets with an extremely tight, makeshift collar embedded in his neck. His flesh was infected and riddled with maggots. It was thought the rope used as a collar may have been fitted to him when he was a puppy, but as he grew, the rope became tighter and tighter, creating a deep wound.
It’s unlikely Barker would have survived much longer. If the infection didn’t kill him, the rope would have compressed or torn his trachea leaving him unable to breathe.
IWCT provide every dog we see with a FREE collar if it presents to us with a makeshift or poorly fitting collar, or if it is without a collar at all. Not only are tight fitting collars dangerous, too large or loose a collar is hazardous as well.
It costs IWCT just under £1 to supply a dog with a collar. Collars are something we take for granted in the UK, but in the Philippines they can mean life or death. Can you give £1 to give a dog a collar?
You can support this campaign paying in GBP here. To make a donation to our collar campaign or in another currency, please visit this page instead.
That’s enough for 8 collars, potentially more for smaller dogs – thank you for your support! We still need more for enough collars to supply a whole clinic!