Our centre provides temporary sanctuary for dogs needing veterinary treatments. Without your help, some of these dogs would still be living on the streets and sadly some of them wouldn’t have survived at all.
We wanted to feature the stories of seven dogs that we’ve helped in 2019. We’ve included before and after photos to show you how far they’ve all come and many of them are now unrecognisable.
Kilay came to us from the Angeles Dog Pound where she’d been left by an owner unable to afford to keep her. Having been placed in one of the IWCT pens at the pound, our vet, Dr Arris, noticed a sudden weight loss during his weekly visits. Kilay was intimidated by the other dogs in the pound and stopped eating. On closer inspection she was also found to be riddled with ticks. It seemed unlikely she would survive at the pound, so we moved her to our treatment centre.

It was a slow process but she began to eat and her health started to improve, however, she remained nervous around other dogs and people. It was thanks to the dedication of our vet assistant Manny, who spent time with Kilay, giving her confidence to mix with the other dogs, particularly her best pal Skinless.

She is quite unrecognisable today, a confident and loving dog, all anxiety gone and because of the bonds she developed with the dogs and the team, we decided to keep her and she now lives with Skinless at the centre, sponsored by one of our wonderful supporters.
Skinless first came to us 18 months ago, after our manager, Suzanne, spotted him living in a shanty-style dwelling near her home in Manila. Skinless’s owner, Denis, was poor and simply couldn’t afford the treatment to rid him of the Mange, which meant he had lost all his fur. We initially tried to treat him at home but he made little progress, so he was moved to our rehab unit, where Manny could treat him daily.

As a result , Denis thought it best that we keep Skinless and so like Kilay, we decided to adopt him as our official IWCT dog. He is now such a cheerful boy, a regular presence at our mobile clinics, raising a smile from everyone he meets.

Many of you may remember Pogi, the little dog who was found at the rubbish tip with a broken spine, dumped and left to die. It is unlikely he would have survived if he hadn’t been brought to us.

As Pogi’s spine was broken, he was unable to use his back legs and therefore couldn’t walk, so we raised funds for a custom made set of wheels. Before they arrived, Pogi was given the treatment and food he needed to build up some strength and immunity, but it was the physiotherapy he received from animal lover and friend of IWCT, Noemi, that made the difference.
Pogi quickly learned how to get around with the wheels and in no time was able to start socialising with other dogs, playing and sitting with ease, which changed his life completely.

Whitey was brought to our Mobile Clinic for a Rabies vaccination, but when our manager, Suzanne, saw him she was appalled at how emaciated he was. Sadly, Whiteys’ owners had gone on holiday and left him to fend for himself and find his own food.

We immediately transferred Whitey to our treatment centre. Over the following weeks, Whitey received regular meals and extra vitamins to help him put on weight and rebuild his strength. He has now been neutered and once he has recovered we will find him his forever home.

Prince was brought to us by animal lover Jonalyn, who was desperate to help after she found him living on the street, malnourished and suffering from Mange. If Jonalyn hadn’t saved him he wasn’t likely to have survived much longer. After three months of veterinary treatment he was ready to be neutered and vaccinated.

Happily, Jonalyn decided to give him a forever home and as you can see he is now happy and healthy, clearly loving his new home.

Piolo was rescued by our very own vet Dr Arris, who found Piolo covered in wounds outside of his church, too weak to even stand. Dr Arris brought Piolo back to our centre where he was given treatment for his wounds and worm infestation.

After just one month, Piolo was up and about and has barely left Dr Arris’s side. As a result Arris decided to adopt him and he is now a remarkably happy chap with a loving new home.

Sunshine was rescued from a derelict building where she was surviving on scaps and as a result was suffering from severe malnutrition and Mange. She had also clearly been hit by a car or bike and for reasons unknown to us, her tail had been amputated half way.

She was incredibly sad when she arrived and it took nearly a month of love and attention from Manny, to get her to smile. But she has made fantastic progress, she’s gained weight and all her fur has grown back. She gets along very well with our two resident dogs, which has helped her confidence to no end. We will soon begin to look for the new home that Sunshine deserves.

These are just some of the dogs rescued by IWCT and given the hope of a better life and it’s all thanks to the generosity of our loyal supporters. Please give what you can and together let’s change the lives of more dogs in 2020!