Cheska – rescued from Taal

By Kaytie Grant

On the 21st of January, our team headed to Lemery, Batangas, an area which had been evacuated after the Taal Volcanic Eruption. The area was a ghost town having been deserted for several days. Our team went from house to house checking for any sign of dogs and wherever one was found we gave them plenty of food and water.

During our trip we came across a tiny puppy who we have named Cheska. We searched for her mother but sadly she couldn’t be found. At her young age it is unlikely that she would be able to survive alone. We decided that she needed more care than we could give her on the day and so we have brought her back to our treatment centre. You can watch her full story in the video below!

Cheska was very timid at first, so she stayed her in a cage initially to find her bearings at the Centre, but as you can see from the video below, some of the other residents were very keen to make friends – that’s Holly below, who came to us in December and who has welcomed Cheska with open paws!

Cheska is making good progress, but her tummy is still quite swollen so the Vet is keeping a close eye on her. Once she’s completely healthy and a good weight, she will be spayed and Mark will then work on her confidence and socialising with other, bigger dogs, then we’ll start looking for a forever home for Cheska.


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