Pebbles – Not All Wounds Are Physical

By Kaytie Grant

We have certainly been busy at the IWCT Treatment Centre lately. In addition to our spay and consultation clinics, mobile clinics and school visits, we have also taken in several new rescue dogs. One such dog is Pebbles. Unlike Bracken and Ellie, Pebbles is free from physical injury. The wounds from Pebbles’s trauma are on the inside and may take longer to heal.

Aggression Through Fear

It is believed Pebbles had been dumped by an owner. He was found by a farmer in a remote rural area with no surrounding houses. The poor little dog was hiding in a drain under a dirt road. He was terrified. The farmer alerted Doc Roland, who together with our kennelmate Mark, came to the rescue to bring Pebbles to safety. Pebbles wouldn’t come out of his hiding place, he was so terrified he came across as aggressive. Mark used protective gloves to avoid being bitten. He carried Pebbles from the drain to a crate ready for transport back to our Treatment Centre. 

Upon examination, apart from having a severe underbite, Pebbles is well. The team gave him a haircut to rid him of his dirty, matted coat and to check for fleas and ticks. He received a medicated bath to treat any parasites. 

pebbles on arrival

Mental Trauma Takes Time To Heal

Despite not having anything seriously wrong with him physically, Pebbles carries a lot of mental trauma. It is likely that he was ill treated by his former owners, which is what has made him use aggression as a coping mechanism. When the team enters his kennel, he cowers and trembles. Upon first approach, he growls to prevent you getting any closer. 

doc roland with pebbles

Our experienced and dedicated team have not given up hope. The kennelmates and vets have spent hours sitting with him in his kennel, giving him the time he needs to learn we are not a threat.  

Thanks to our patience, Pebbles is starting to trust the team in the safety of his kennel. However, he has a long way to go. Other dogs unnerve him (we’ve since taken in another rescue who resides in the quarantine kennel next to him) he barks at them in an attempt to ward them off. It will be a long time before he is confident to socialise beyond the security of his kennel. There will be lots of triggers to his aggressive reactivity, such as new people and other dogs. For this reason, he will require extensive rehabilitation before we can even consider him for adoption. 

pebbles with suzanne

Pebbles’ Outlook

Whilst his underbite may appear unsightly, it doesn’t affect his breathing or eating. His teeth, whilst crooked, are not rotten or crowded. For this reason we won’t intervene unless it starts to impact his health. We will however fully vaccinate him and spay him. Our main focus will be addressing his reactive behaviours and teaching him that humans can be kind, despite the cruelty he has previously experienced. 

If you’d like to make a donation towards rehabilitating pebbles, you can do so via the button below. 

Thank you. 


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